In the United States, the TV series Survivor is often credited (or blamed) for turning reality shows into a craze. ... Audiences in Homeric Greece, in the Roman Empire or in medieval Europe would have found the idea familiar and highly attractive. Twenty challengers go in - only one hero comes out. "Wonderful!"a Homeric prince, a Roman patrician or a crusader knight would have thought to himself as he sat down to watch. "Surely we are about to see amazing adventures, life-and-death battles and incomparable acts of heroism and betrayal. The warriors will probably stab each other in the back, or spill their entrails for all to see."
What a disappointment! The back-stabbing and entrails-spilling remains a mere metaphor. Each episode lasts about an hour. Out of that, fifteen minutes are taken up by commercials for toothpaste, shampoo and cereals. Five minutes are dedicated to incredibly childish challenges, such as who can throw the most coconuts into a hoop, or who can eat the largest number of bugs in one minute. The rest of the time the "heroes" just talk about their feelings! He said she said, and I felt this and I felt that. If a crusader knight had actually been able to sit down and watch Survivor, he would probably have grabbed his battleaxe and smashed the TV out of boredom and frustration.
- from Homo Deus by Yuval Noah Harari, pg. 242 (2017).
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